Tutkimusjohtaja Laura Elon tutkimusryhmä kehittää laskennallisia data-analyysityökaluja ja matemaattisia mallinnusmenetelmiä.

Computational biomedicine – Laura Elo

We develop computational data analysis tools and statistical and machine learning methods for transforming large-scale molecular and clinical datasets to biomedical knowledge.

We develop and apply computational methods for biomedical research in close collaboration with experimental and clinical research groups. Our specific focus is on analyzing and interpreting data generated by modern high-throughput biotechnologies and other digital health data in a robust and reproducible manner. Using statistical modelling and advanced machine learning techniques, we have, for instance, identified early prognostics markers for different cancer types and developed several powerful computational models for predicting disease and treatment risks. Our ultimate goal is to improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of complex diseases, such as cancer. The group is led by Professor Laura Elo.

More information: https://elolab.utu.fi