We want to offer our patients the opportunity to participate in clinical trials.
FICAN West pursues international multicenter phase I-IV trials and national and international investigator-initiated trials. Phase I and II trials are also pursues in collaboration with Clinical Research Services Turku (CRST).
All trials follow Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and adhere to the Declaration of Helsinki.
Within FICAN West clinical trials may be run in open care units, wards and the trial ward of the Turku University Hospital, the Satasairaala and the Vaasa Central Hospital.
About 12 study nurses work in the units of these hospitals.
The Study Coordinator of FICAN West assists investigators and sponsors in making the necessary agreements in collaboration with Turku clinical Research Centre (CRC).
Contact information to the study coordinator:
Kirsi Penttilä
Please contact the following address if you want to submit a new trial: syopatutkimukset@varha.fi