Jukka Alinikula's research group 2024

Cancer mutations and B cell lymphoma – Jukka Alinikula

We investigate the mechanism of somatic hypermutation targeting in the genome. Our research group is interested in understanding the mechanism and consequences of cancerous mutations induced by somatic hypermutation machinery. The current projects focus on determining how somatic hypermutation mis-targets proto-oncogenes in B cell and non-B-cell cancer and oncogenic viruses. We aim to reveal the governing rules and mechanisms of mutation enhancers in the human genome and apply modern molecular biology, sequencing technologies and reporters to dissect the function of the mutable genome. We hope to translate these findings into better diagnosis and prediction capabilities for optimal treatment choices. The research group is led by Adjunct Professor Jukka Alinikula.

Read more: https://www.utu.fi/en/people/jukka-alinikula